
Without our sponsors and partners, we would not be able to realize our projects. You too can donate!

Kontoinhaber: Berlin Experimental Astronautics
Bankinstitut: VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG
IBAN: DE14 8306 5408 0005 3946 43

We want to thank our sponsors and supporters:

Friends of the TU Berlin

Gesellschaft von Freunden der TU Berlin e.V. for sponsoring our trips to competitions and events.


CubeMars for supporting us with motors for the rover.


3dk.berlin for high quality 3D printing filament for STARGAZE and other projects.


Therma for thermocouples and accessories for STARGAZE.


Nicomatic for connectors for STARGAZE.


Ansys for software licenses and project support.

3D-Druck und Design Rostock

3D-Druck und Design Rostock for 3D-printing essential parts for LARS, our Asclepios III project and our 2024 rover MORPHEUS.

TU Berlin

TU Berlin, and especially the RFT, for rooms and all kinds of support.


NI for discounts.


BigRep for 3D-printing parts of the rover.

CFX Berlin

CFX-Berlin for a generous donation of HPC server hardware as well as supporting our projects with Flownex licences.

Dr. Rölleke Labor GmbH

Dr. Rölleke Labor GmbH for server housing and utilities.

Motion Lab Berlin

Motion Lab Berlin for allowing our team members to access their workspaces and machines, as well as giving us the opportunity to present ourselves within their network.